Judgemental Language
Insulting or pejorative language to influence the recipient's judgment.
Vegans are just vegetarians that went even more insane.
Famous Examples
Will you affirm by your vote that you are an infidel to American vigor and power and practical sense? Or, that we are the ruling race of the world...
Think of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who will build a soap-and-water, common school civilization of energy and industry in Cuba, when a government of law replaces the double reign of anarchy and tyranny.
It means active, vigorous, constructive investment of every dollar of moldy and miserly capital in the land.
Would not the people of the Philippines prefer the just, humane, civilizing government of this republic to the savage, bloody rule of pillage and extortion from which we have rescued them?
It doesn't matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street begging for them to have their guns taken; we will not relinquish them, do you understand? That's why you're going to fail, and the establishment knows, no matter how much propaganda, the Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns!
Scum, nazi, filth, trash, garbage, maggots. We're all ruled by little chicken-neck nellies, going "Kill everybody!
Western science is still frozen in an obsolete, Newtonian worldview that is based literally on superstition — and we can call it the superstition of materialism — which says you and I are physical entities of the physical universe.
I know those guys who wear visors are sweeties, but that’s a little too much.
You cannot do hazing. If you're stupid enough to do hazing now ... you'll pay the price.
Put that in your pipe, you left-wing kooks.
The spasm of Trump in the new year reflects the desperate mental state of a loser who failed to check the vigorous advance of the army and people of the DPRK … He is making [a] bluff only to be diagnosed as a psychopath.
Context: Published in the Rodong Sinmun -
The problem with the global warming narrative, of course, is that it contradicted the scientific evidence which clearly showed the Earth wasn’t warming as had been frighteningly predicted by apocalyptic global warming alarmists. So they changed the narrative to “climate change,” which is now recognized as one of the most stupid-headed science fails of all time.
In truth, nearly all plants on Earth consume carbon dioxide as a critical nutrient. Higher CO2 means more rainforests, faster growth of food crops and more “green” planet-wide. Yet stupidly, Leftists have been brainwashed to believe that CO2 is toxic to the planet. (Which just goes to show you how liberalism can convince some people that 1+1 = 5.)
Turns out being a resentful, snarling loser manifests itself physically.
This is why leftists are often ugly on both the inside and the outside.
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