Ad Hominem
Latin Name
Other Names
Mud slinging or ad hominems are when ideas come up for debate, but you criticize the person instead of their ideas. It is Latin and means "to the man" because it makes a person the target of the argument.
You can safely ignore everything that my opponent just stated. She doesn't even have a PhD.
Famous Examples
Hey, Alix, what's up? You get in the club last night?
Alix: I didn't get in because the bouncer was douche-face
Context: Ted (film) -
Hey don't judge me! You've got chalky elbows. Use a wash cloth you pig!
Why did they bring a Finn over to coach Moncton? Wasn’t a Canadian good enough? … I don’t wish him well in Moncton. What’s his name, Alpo? Sounds like dog food to me.
I know those guys who wear visors are sweeties, but that’s a little too much.
If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?
Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.
If I were running ‘The View’, I’d fire Rosie O’Donnell. I mean, I’d look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say ‘Rosie, you’re fired.
[The New York Times] don’t write good. They have people over there, like Maggie Haberman and others, they don’t – they don’t write good. They don’t know how to write good.
Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?
Can you believe that this creepy, robot, out of touch, cheetoh eating giant pussy mouth creep is in charge of what we get to see on the internet? Bro - the cap on that Sriracha bottle is not even green screened properly you would think with the tens of millions of dollars you've got from Comcast and Verizon you could at least get a decent green screen.
Nut neutrality has just been repealed and yes I said NUT neutrality by this goofy-faced, potato-headed, DSL juicy-assed lip-having Pai Boy.
It's about giving control to Comcast and Verizon, the two most evil companies on this planet. If you Google search for Comcast right now a swastika shows up so stop acting like we're all whining babies who don't understand this complex thing...
Now as I was saying he has these really big, luscious, beautiful DSL lips and if you take a look at this picture you'll notice they are very red, very very pink and now if you compare it to the logo of Verizon, you'll see that there's a little red nub at the end of their logo here and you're gonna kinda understand what I'm getting at here he's got these big juicy DSL lips. I wonder what he was sucking on. Wonder what he sucked off right to get his lips so red.
Mr. Pai in the Face has basically ascended to anime supervillain at this point.
It probably doesn’t help that Stephen Bannon always looks as if he sleeps in his car, wakes up to a bag of whiskey and spends the rest of the day showing his dick to little kids, but we’re all getting used to it.
The spasm of Trump in the new year reflects the desperate mental state of a loser who failed to check the vigorous advance of the army and people of the DPRK … He is making [a] bluff only to be diagnosed as a psychopath.
Context: Published in the Rodong Sinmun -
Turns out being a resentful, snarling loser manifests itself physically.
This is why leftists are often ugly on both the inside and the outside.
Jerry: Traditionally science fairs are a father-son thing.
Rick: Well scientifically traditions are an idiot thing.
Context: Rick and Morty season 1, episode 9 - Something Ricked This Way Comes -
Jerry: Rick, I don't like glowing rocks in the kitchen trash!
Rick: Well I don't like your unemployed genes in my grandchildren Jerry, but life is made of little concessions.
Context: Rick and Morty season 2, episode 4 - Total Rickall -
Morty: Dad Pluto isn't a planet. It's shrinking because of corporations.
Jerry: Yeah that's what that anti-planet nutjob Scroopy Noopers was screaming about outside the Ministry of Money's fundraiser. Are you telling me four billion Plutonians are wrong?
Context: Rick and Morty season 1, episode 9 - Something Ricked This Way Comes
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