Mr. Goldenfold

Mr. Goldenfold: I'm Morty's math teacher. I'm also part of the street team inviting folks to the church downtown so we can pray together.
Beth: How is praying going to help?
Mr. Goldenfold: Ma'am, a giant head in the sky is controlling the weather. Did you want to play checkers? Let's be rational.
Context: Rick and Morty season 2, episode 5 - Get Schwifty -
Mr. Goldenfold: Now who can tell me the common denominator of these two fractions? ...You don't know or y'all just bored?
Morty: Hey listen you know if we're all bored over here wouldn't the common denominator be you? Mr. Goldenfold: Damn Morty! That's hilarious! Normally I would come down on any disruption but it seems to represent a positive change for your character. Class dismissed!
Context: Rick and Morty season 3, episode 6 - Rest and Ricklaxation
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