Natural News

Mandatory vaccine legislation will lead to compulsory organ harvesting from Americans' bodies
If a 30-year-old man can declare himself to be a 30-year-old woman, why can’t a 70-year-old man declare himself to be a 15-year-old girl and go back to high school? The “magical thinking” buffoonery of transgenerism [SIC] is now eroding its way into “trans everything-ism,” as now demonstrated by certain individuals who believe they are animals.
The problem with the global warming narrative, of course, is that it contradicted the scientific evidence which clearly showed the Earth wasn’t warming as had been frighteningly predicted by apocalyptic global warming alarmists. So they changed the narrative to “climate change,” which is now recognized as one of the most stupid-headed science fails of all time.
Now, thanks to the climate change hoax narrative, a shockingly high percentage of liberals actually believe that there were no forest fires, no hurricanes, no tornadoes, no floods, no droughts and no snow storms before the invention of the combustion engine (and the subsequent burning of fossil fuels).
Because of the Left’s runaway science denialism, college students have also been taught that carbon dioxide is a poison rather than plant food.
In truth, nearly all plants on Earth consume carbon dioxide as a critical nutrient. Higher CO2 means more rainforests, faster growth of food crops and more “green” planet-wide. Yet stupidly, Leftists have been brainwashed to believe that CO2 is toxic to the planet. (Which just goes to show you how liberalism can convince some people that 1+1 = 5.)
Instead of the warming we were promised by Al Gore, we’re actually getting subzero chills across much of the country. The National Guard has even been mobilized in some areas to deal with the extreme cold and snow fall. How is this possible if the Earth has been “warming” for a couple of decades as Al Gore promised?
While the CDPH has been careful not to label cell phones as dangerous, and is simply warning users to keep their phones away from their bodies when they’re sleeping and not to carry them in their pockets, the fact is that experts have been warning for some time now that these devices can cause brain cancer, tumors, impaired memory, loss of hearing, headaches and trouble sleeping.
However, on the flipside, fake news is also dangerous in that it is quickly becoming a tool used by the left to silence their political enemies. Like waving a magic wand, the liberals have learned that all they have to do is label conservative content as “fake news” and then make the case that its “fakeness” justifies censorship and anti-free speech regulations.
Honey – It contains hydrogen peroxide, which may explain some of its antibacterial qualities. You can apply it to wounds externally, or ingest it to aid internal infections.
Millennials attending college today live in a bubble. They believe that progressivism is the cure for all of America’s problems, that conservatives are a bunch of racists, bigots and homophobes, and nobody can tell them otherwise.
I feel like medicine is stuck in the past and the people who are right are being you know victimized. I mean look at Semelweiss and what was it? Sepsis and the spread of infection? Of course he was attacked in his day as well. Wasn't he kicked out of his medical school or a practicing birth clinic or something?
In all, about 250,000 deaths annually are attributable to medication errors made by traditional practitioners of medicine. The ones the Obama FTC isn't interested in regulating.
Homeopathic medicine has no similar record of death.
Homeopathic medicine is more widely practiced and accepted in Europe than in the United States. Half of all Dutch doctors consider homeopathic medicines to be effective, while approximately 30 percent of French doctors and 20 percent of German doctors use homeopathic medicines regularly.
McDonald's french fries found to contain Silly Putty ingredient and petroleum chemical.
According to Vani Hari, more commonly known as the "Food Babe" who helped bring Subway's bread ingredients into the spotlight in 2014 for their use of a substance that's also used in yoga mats, dimethylpolysiloxane should be avoided.
Quinoa Flour... A versatile 'healing food' flour that can replace flour in most recipes. Quinoa is an ancient grain, used extensively by the Incas. It offers the highest protein of any grain, even boasting a complete protein (all essential amino acids)
Context: 'Secret Sources' by Mike Adams
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