Thought-Blocking Cliché
When a commonly used phrase is used to put your mind at ease, suspend your thinking, quell cognitive dissonance or move on to other topics. It is an attempt to end discussion with a cliché or truism instead of reason.
This is especially effective when using old or popular sayings that are well-recognized, rhyming phrases or statements that pass for folk wisdom.
Let's bet everything we have on this business venture. Fortune favors the bold!
Famous Examples
Han Solo: Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind.
Luke Skywalker: But they're gonna kill her!
Han Solo: Better her than me.
Context: Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope -
Echo Base Officer: Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!
Han Solo: Then I'll see you in Hell!
Context: Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back -
If he wants to be an asshole, it's a free country. Millions before him have made the same life choice.Context: Oryx and Crake
Beth: If nothing matters, why would you do that for me?
Rick: I don't know. Maybe you matter so little that I like you. Or maybe it makes you matter. Maybe I love you. Maybe something about your mother. Don't jump a gift shark in the mouth.
Context: Rick and Morty season 3 episode 9 - The ABC's of Beth -
Morty: Well can we at least go get our family so we could take them with us if we lose?
Rick: That's planning for failure Morty. Even dumber than regular planning.
Context: Rick and Morty season 2, episode 5 - Get Schwifty -
Rick: Oh please. They just call themselves heroes so they can -
Morty: I'm calling them that Rick. They're my heroes. Mine!
Rick: Huh. No accounting for taste.
Context: Rick and Morty season 3, episode 4 - Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender -
Ignorance is bliss. Oedipus ruined a great sex life by asking too many questions.
Context: The Colbert Report (television show)
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